How much does peptide therapy cost?

The cost of peptide therapy can vary quite a bit depending on the specific type of peptides used, the dose and frequency, and the clinic or provider administering the treatments. However, most peptide regimens range from $150 to $500 per month on average.
Some of the main factors that influence the cost of peptide therapy include:

As an example, a typical peptide regimen from Hormone Harmony Clinic might include:

For this combination protocol, the total monthly cost would be around $320. This includes the cost of the peptides, needles and syringes, medical oversight, and coaching.

Hormone Harmony Clinic charges reasonable prices for high purity pharmaceutical-grade peptides supplied through legitimate channels. We also provide guidance on properly mixing, dosing and injecting peptides at home for maximum convenience and affordability.

Some additional factors that can impact pricing:

So in summary, monthly costs for peptide treatment typically ranges from $150 to $500 but can also be more or less expensive depending on your specific regimen, clinic, and addons. Work with a reputable provider to develop an affordable peptide plan tailored to your needs and budget. Hormone Harmony Clinic offers personalized therapy with flexible options to help make peptide treatment accessible and rewarding.

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